The Power of PR in Your Sales Pipeline

March 20, 2024

Marketers use the sales funnel to strategically guide potential customers through the stages of buying a product or service, from awareness to conversion. The top focuses on creating awareness for the product or service (TOFU), the middle on building interest (MOFU), and the bottom focuses on driving decisions and purchases (BOFU). 

But where does PR come into play? 

When used correctly, PR campaigns or tactics can be like a friend for your customers, from the moment they hear about your business to when they become your biggest fans. PR can help your sales funnel by telling your business story in a relatable way, showcasing your expertise in high-traffic channels and trusted publications, and building a good reputation so people see your business for the better.

Top of the Funnel (TOFU), Awareness:

Public relations campaigns and tactics can help your business generate awareness by securing media coverage, leveraging press releases, and creating compelling stories. A well-executed PR campaign can introduce your brand to a wider audience, leveraging media outlets, multimedia, and influencers to ensure the target market becomes aware of the product or service.

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU), Consideration:

During the consideration stage, potential customers evaluate their options for products and services. PR comes into play here by establishing credibility and shaping positive perceptions. Earning features in trusted publications, and getting positive reviews and endorsements from influencers or industry experts can sway potential customers towards considering your brand as the right product or solution for them.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU), Conversion:

PR supports conversion by reinforcing trust and credibility. Case studies, testimonials, and success stories highlighted through PR efforts can provide the social proof needed to convince prospects to make a purchase. This builds confidence in the brand and nudges potential customers towards the final decision to purchase your product or use your service.

Post-Purchase, Retention and Advocacy:

After the purchase happens, PR helps in fostering customer loyalty and advocacy. Ongoing positive media coverage, engagement on social media, and community relations help to contribute to ongoing customer satisfaction. Happy customers are more likely to become brand advocates and spread positive word-of-mouth, ultimately contributing to long-term business success.

By establishing links between your brand and its audience, PR opens avenues for elevated sales through improved communication and strengthened trust.

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